Wednesday, September 2, 2009

photo journal- August 2009 Moving to Honduras

smallgroup reunion & Honduras fund raising picnic
Olivia's baby   dedication                                       Airport travels- LAX to Miami to TGU Honduras 
Landing at TGU airport window view Aug 18th   
 Here at last! visting the National Park        time for some eats! Baleadas- yummy like a burritoJesus statue that overlooks the city                   Livi at te Tegus ruins- yes we climbed up!visit to AFE schoolvisit to the trash dump communityour clinic day at Via Linda Miller- 100 patiemtsback at our home in Honduras - Livi stands now
visiting Darwin's family at VLM(via linda miller)the drive to Valle do Angeles(valley of angeles)Olivia enjoying corn along the way to valle de angeleDaddy and Livi at Valle de Angeles                    Friends Darwin & Bethany w Olivia at VA art fairvisit to Santa Lucia                                                at night a visit to the street kids                              Milli anos claims to be 1,000 yrs old(on glue)        re cooperating w Awaken team and friends- dinner party       back at home in Honduras- follow our blog for next week's pics!


  1. so adorable congrats and good luck out there! love, ann

  2. WOW Olivia is standing! Geeze these kidlets grow fast.
