Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Silverio Summer in Phoenix

Play Groups, Sedona, and Tahoe

July- We have been enjoying our hot summer days at indoor play areas such as "Imagination Ave".
Olivia is learning so much, so quickly. She has over 60 words, counts to 9, tries to say A,B,C's, and can make most animal sounds. She puts together 2 words, and is super expressive.  We are now potty training. Exciting stuff...

I have begun teaching 2 days a week at our community center. It is a Learn and Play group for toddlers and we are having a blast. It is for Olivia, but I am enjoying using my Preschool background again!

Livi wants to be just like Daddy- playing the rock band drums and walking in his shoes. She copies everything, and also has her own very unique and strong opinion about life. I call her my "spirited baby" and she teaches me patience and grace daily :) 

August beginning- We took a Sunday drive to Sedona AZ. Just an hour and a half onto the freeway 17 and this is what you see! It is amazing and I am beginning to fall in love with parts of Arizona...

Olivia loved being in the cool out doors. It's about 15 degrees cooler in Sedona, and breathtaking.

We did a 2 hour hike at Oak Creek, which is 20 mins from Sedona's main town. 

I carried Olivia up, and Bri took her down. SHe loves this back pack carrier, and always sleeps mid-hike.

This was a perfect spot to have a snack and look at the nature around. Olivia love looking for fish- or as she says, "bish"

Livi finds dogs to pet everywhere we go. Very friendly and excited to see new things and meet new people.  Our adventurous side has wore off on her!

We loved cooling our feet in the creek and taking in the air. It's amazing how beautiful our country is!

This is the sun set spot that looks down on the main city of Sedona.

 Back pack on Daddy. Livi sings the back pack song from her fan Dora the Explorer. Super cute!

Getting darker...

The moon peeked out for us to capture. It was like walking in a post card! These shots make me feel the ancient of days- how long have these rocks been here, what did they look like years and years ago, how have we changed the earth and how has it changed us? I know these moments speak volumes to me and every time I see more beauty, I am changed- hopeful and thankful.

August end- We met up with Nicole, Bri's sister - In Lake Tahoe. She lives there, and we all attended a good friends wedding. It was a great long weekend!

Kings Beach, the town Nicole lives in, is amazing! Small and quaint, yet alive with nature and beauty! Livi was very daring walking into the chilly Lake and along the rocks.

Here at the West wedding in Tahoe. It's so great to be at weddings and have the reminder of love's beginning. To be around the promises, the future's start, and the joy of this couple- Brian and Lesley, as they make a decision to love....

the ceremony was very intimate- and very real. We loved it!

ahhh! the kiss. best part- always.

Nicole and I being sisters. 

What a great summer it is so far. These trips make it! To stay in the heat of Phoenix is no good. We have been blessed with opportunities to serve and make connections in our community here: Neighborhood groups, swimming, play dates, summer movies, Saturday Church at CCV, Martial Arts, Learn and Play classes, the gym, Yoga, and the indoor community center, and of course visits from our family.  Our weekend trips are awesome gifts, and it is the thing to do during Phoenix summers. 
I thank Brian for providing such a life, my baby for her laughter, and all of you for the shared memories and new ones to come... 
God bless.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Meeting Moms

It's a lot like dating-
tiresome, exciting, disappointing, and funny.
Meeting the Moms that you like who have the kids that your kid likes.
First I need to learn the culture of the city here. Phoenix is NOT Santa Monica, where I previously lived, and it's NOT New York City, who I previously was (sort to speak).  Its its own place. Good and bad to it. The summer. Bad. The homes. Good. The shopping. Wal Mart= Bad. The land. Mountains= Good. And so on.
I've tried Meet Up groups. I've put myself out there, trying to connect with Moms. Olivia tries to kiss every toddler she sees. I've even started a toddler Learn and Play class in my community---- but it is only time that will build the fortresses that I call friendship. The boats that keep us floating.
I was with a group of Moms who were talking feverishly about another Mom. I asked them "who is this Mom?" and they replied "you don't watch Moms of OC?" or some kind of reality show. No. I don't.  I am a reality show! We all are!
Is this everywhere? This escape into another person's drama, life, pain...ignoring our own- or numb to it?
I swear that I was able to share, listen, and be heard at times of my life. I swear I knew those kind of amazing people who thought beyond their city, beyond their TV.
Maybe my time to be dreaming, or to be far away in thought is just not now? Maybe it is all about the baby, the moment, the here and now. The "Mommy" stage of life. But I do still have dreams, thoughts, disappointments, and they must be shared even if I am typing them out into the great space of inter net land far and beyond. I know that other Moms look to connect with people, to share, and to feel.
so  that's the raw truth blog update. with out the poetry and photos.
not sure if anyone will read it. But send me luck as I continue to "Mommy date" and seek those friendships that are gold. because- God knows, I miss all of you who helped carry me through  heavy times. I need you now...

Monday, August 2, 2010

Visits. Angela and LA. Summer 2010

Summer in Phoenix is passing by quickly. After July 4th, time seemed to pick up. Our days are filled, and we are building community here.  We have also been blessed with many visitors.  My sister Angela visited at the end of July.  She has graduated College, and is now an RN.  We took the time to celebrate together and she and Olivia had a chance to make some memories too.  We also took a drive to LA to visit Grandma Olivia, Bri's Mom, for her birthday, and spent time with our great friends.  The photos below capture summer so far, and the poems express how the transitions, relationships, and memories have imprinted my heart.

swim class
The cool water washes over heat. My daughter- I breathe.
Rescue my love from times ahead...times behind. Dive into my arms.
I will catch you.  Catch you and offer you dreams, and life so full of water- less of tears.
If you rest peaceful then we may all dream of happiness. Phoenix your home. Tegus your rescue.
Angela and Olivia. Community Pool
I wish everyone to be here in the same moment. Take a photo in my mind and print it on my heart. Distance cries out in lonely times.  Build me a memory album taped with photos of love and promises. Here we are safe. We are happy. We miss you. Can I be filled and emptied at the same time.  Tears blend into waterfalls that swell around the pool of our love.

Vic and Angel. Random coffee shop. Cave creek

Sisters driving down roads blossoming with cactus.  Is this real my- New York City bad self and sun kissed Santa Monica dream life? Is this my home of desert mountain and purple skies? Have I left a piece of my heart with the crying children living at the trash dumps and wilted rivers of Honduras? I am promising that yes. I will leave a piece of my heart with each step and create a new image made perfectly in His Glory.  My sister told me so. She is the wiser. Passing wisdom down, now we embrace in what we know of each other. Sister love is endless.  Leslie- for you too.

My Baby girl. Desert Ridge water play.
Bella baby. I knew you in my dreams.  You are your own person now.  We play. we read. you laugh. you yell. we eat. we run. you talk. you need. I can see how much you love your home. you smile when we arrive. I can tell how much you will roam. we've planted adventure in your stride.
My Bella baby. Mommy loves you so. And I don't need to tell you. You already know.

Angela and Olivia reading. Dora is her fav.
It was you and I once. My baby Angel, with big innocent eyes. Now it is you and her. My baby Olivia in your knowing arms.  Generation passes into generation. We grow into each other. Watered with love. Stretched with experience, and rooted in faith.  

Sleepy drive from Phoenix to Los Angeles (6hrs)
Traveling we are.  You look as though you know.  We took you to a calling far from here. Baby, you tied us into people lives. One smile at a time. Spanish speaking eyes. They told me. Buonita Bebe. Linda Bebe.
And that was enough. You tied me to their hearts and hurts and forever I will remember. How we traveled. Across economies. Across politics. Across equators. Across mountains.  You made me brave.
And sometimes we go back home. Where ever that maybe.

The six! Plus two

I know your names by heart. Remember times we laughed. build each memory. it is a tall tower. we lead each other distances. inspired one another to dream and venture.  we can be deep as waters, or simple as morning light.
friends. these are priceless.  true friends. never can be replaced. my heart aches when I cannot skip to you for a hug. all sit around and sing or laugh together.  be brave friends.  and we will always visit. be it here or there or anywhere...

Daddy and Livi

To be a Daddy. A strong tree that lifts and hold and roots.  Daddy. Livi says "Dada"  She leaps into his arms. She tests him. She laughs at his games.  We could not go far without you- Daddy. You are our ship and sail and wind.

Seal Beach Surfing

What is most missed? the water. the sea. the ocean crashes. the land that speaks back and is not silent in breeze or sun blaze.  the busy. the ties. the beach. we miss the land we know so well. the santa monica cliffs, the coast line, the malibu breeze, the pch drives, the tall towers of tress, the lush air and crisp wind, the flowers dancing with color, and all of you. our ties to each other.

Sienna and Olivia. Santa Monica beach

Well it has not been easy to leave all that we have called home. New York, Santa Monica, Honduras...
wherever we step foot together, we leave a mark. our roots reach wide and deep and I pray we bring life.  Some days I stare at the computer screen and images of Tegus Honduras pass me by.  I ache and love and hope.  Other days I drive along the roads of Phoenix thinking maybe I can stop by the Santa Monica bluffs for a stroll.  Nights I read and my mind wanders. Finds me in the city night of NYC skipping along wet streets crowded with taxi cabs and footsteps.
Music rocks my memory as beats take me back to each place I have called home.
And Phoenix sways me to sleep. Promises sweet dreams. Thick air covers me like a blanket and the tall cactus points and waves towards heaven.  A home. We are with you. A home. We build together.