Getting rest afterTaxi rides, Homita, and Hives
Getting rest after busy weeks, early mornings, and long nights has been a priority and enjoyment for us. Last week, the guys were working long hours interviewing, and managing the needs to set up the factory for Tegu. With the launch of the website, and beginning of sales, it seemed they were always working. When the weekend came, Brian and I decided to venture out on our own, and explore a bit of downtown. We took a taxi ride, which was only 3 dollars (US), and said our prayers as the shocks in the taxi cab were shot; we bounced so hard that it felt like our bums were dragging along the road. Olivia loves riding without a car seat, and looks out the windows as I hold onto her for dear life, my knuckles whitening in stress. The taxi driver follows another driver who cut him off, yelling and then looking back at us for approval while he sips his water from a plastic bag. Finally we are downtown, and it is a good time walking through the streets, ducking into shops, and people watching. We didn’t take photos because we were being conservative, and not wanting to be robbed. We ended up getting a ride home from our friends who live downtown, and we just beat the down poor of rain. When we were back home, we plugged in our 5 inch Homita DVD player and laughed that this is our family entertainment systems. Watching old DVD’s that bring comfort, I nursed Olivia and Brian noticed hives about her legs and arms and face. For the next few days I would watch what she ate and try to figure what was causing the hives. After a few days I realized Olivia was reacting to nursing because I now had hormones and estrogen in my milk again for the first time in 19 months. The hives are gone, and with some rest, Olivia also beat the cold that she had.
As we all nap together as a family, I listen to the sounds that are now familiar; soccer games with fans cheering and whistles calling out goals, fruit falling from the trees above and landing on the roof and ground, rain tapping at the windows, dogs barking, cars honking outside people’s doors, the watchman’s whistle, and birds singing, doors squeaking open and closed, water flowing through pipes…these sounds are now a comfort because they have become a familiar tell of time.
Amazing Olivia!
September 13th, 2009
Olivia is so amazing, and I am always struck with how she is learning about her world. Her favorite things to do right now are play with new friends- she is so friendly, making it easy for us to make friends as well, and gapping the language barrier for us all. Any baby she meets, she reaches for and laughs at. At the Via Linda Miller community, she is making friends with a little boy who is MR. He laughs and grabs back for her.
At home, Olivia’s play includes her burppie cloth, which she puts up to our face for us to play with it too. She loves reading, and there are several books that she puts in my lap and yells for me to read as she point to the pictures. She stands up and reaches for things, mainly anything electronic, or dangerous. She is always trying to get what she is not allowed to have. She loves to feed me, amazed by my teeth, and points to things saying “this, that”. Magnets are fascinating to her, and she tries to stick them onto different surfaces. She loves her toys that sing, and bumps up and down trying to dance and mimic the tune. Bath time is a joy, as she pours water and pops bubbles. Olivia knows what she likes and dislikes, communicates with body language and sounds, and can sign “all done, more, and milk”. Here are some shots of her being amazing!
September 13th weekend CHIMINIKE children's Museum and interactive Center
Celebrating the day of NINOS - Children's day!!
Brian surprised us this weekend by taking us to a children’s interactive Museum center. These photos tell how incredible the place was! Most of the activities would not fly in the US because of safety standards, but here, it’s the creativity and freedom to still explore and run wild with such fun activities at hand. The views from inside and around the building were beautiful, and there were so many children and families! This weekend was the celebration of Children weekend! Day of NINOS. People really love and celebrate children in Honduras. They are one of lifes most important blessings. So many people were out with their children celebrating. We had a great time, and Olivia fell to sleep after the excitement